CS86-BOX-J1900 PRO

The CS86-BOX-J1900-PRO is a robust and highly efficient industrial PC designed for demanding environments. Powered by the Intel® Celeron® J1900 processor, this compact solution offers the performance you need for a wide range of industrial applications. With its fanless design, it ensures reliable operation even in harsh conditions, minimizing maintenance and maximizing uptime.

Hardware description

CS86-BOX-J1900 PRO is powered by the high-performance Intel® Core™ Celeron J1900 CPU, it also features a broad range of connectivity options, allowing it to meet even the most demanding requirements in harsh industrial or outdoor environments.

Despite the performances, the offered CPU consumes very little power. From the ground up, the CPU is built for low power consumption.

A specially designed aluminum alloy housing with fins for increased heat dissipation serves as a passive cooler, eliminating the need for built-in fans. The fan-less design reduces noise, as well as the maintenance costs and efforts, increasing reliability at the same time.